
美国大选:Barak Obama

在Iowa caucuses中,民主党候选人Barak Obama大获全胜。作为一个来自社会底层的黑人候选人,Barak Obama富有朝气、意气风发。Change一个简单的单词,包含了太多太多的含义.

元月8号,美国第一场Primary在New Hampshire拉开了帷幕。在西109街的临时居所,刚刚稳定下来的我,透过电视第一次感受了美国总统候选人之间的唇枪舌战。
What exactly is a "primary"? It's a state election for a presidential candidate. The reward for winning a primary is the number of delegates that each state sends to the national conventions that political parties have in the summer before the national election in November. Because Barack Obama won the caucus (which is kind of a like a primary) in Iowa, he will get the support of all the Iowa delegates who go to the Democratic convention in Denver this August. Mike Huckabee won all the delegate support when he won on the Republican side, so those delegates will pledge their allegiance to him in St. Paul during the Republican convention, also in August. (该英文解释来自Minnesota州一位英语教授的博客。在此致谢!)
在New Hampshire primary,作为前第一夫人,希拉里表现出明显的优势:自信、干练、老到、锋芒四射。相比之下,奥巴马则显得有些拙于言辞。在整个辩论中,希拉里时时打断其他候选人的发言,控制了整个辩论的话语权。最终,希拉里赢得了民主党的头筹。

元月26日,South Carolina Primary中,奥巴马赢得了胜利;之后,28号,He received an endorsement from Ted Kennedy, brother of the late President John F. Kennedy.
What is an endorsement? When someone famous or someone with political power says that you are a good candidate for an elective position, that's called an endorsement. Endorsements are important because they tell the voters who supports whom, and it makes it easier sometimes for voters to decide on which candidate to support. (该英文解释来自Minnesota州一位英语教授的博客。在此致谢!)

中午,和纽约大学法学院亚美法研究所(U.S.-Asia Law Institute, New York University School of Law)的虞平先生、路梅吉女士等在一家泰国餐馆共进午餐。话语之间,自然而然聊起了美国大选。当问及谁有可能赢得纽约州的预选时,路女士(Margaret K. Lewis)冲着自己的背包一指,背包上镶嵌着一个奥巴马的竞选标志。其实,这一时间,凡是与美国人聚在一起,大选无疑是一个最好的话题,而询问对方支持谁,似乎是打开话匣子的最好方式。
